Introduction to Salesforce Recycle Bin

Introduction to Salesforce Recycle Bin


The Recycle Bin is a list view that allows you to sort and filter to find the records which you had deleted and restore them as per your need.

As an admin, you have access to your own Recycle Bin and the Salesforce org’s Recycle Bin. You can view, restore, and permanently delete records in the Org Recycle Bin and your own Recycle Bin. Use list view functionality to sort and filter to find the records you need.

To view and restore your deleted records:Read on the records in the Recycle Bin
To view and restore records deleted by other users:Modify All Data
To restore deleted public tags:Tag Manager
To permanently delete records in the Recycle Bin:Modify All Data

What is Recycle Bin Storage Limit?

Records in the Recycle Bin don’t count against your Salesforce org’s storage usage. However, Salesforce uses your storage limit to determine the maximum number of records allowed in your Recycle Bin. Your Recycle Bin can contain 25 times your MB storage capacity as records. 

For example, an org with a storage allocation of 2,000MB (2GB) can have 50,000 records in the Recycle Bin: 25 x 2,000 = 50,000 records.

How to access the Recycle Bin?
To access the Recycle Bin, from the App Launcher, search and select Recycle Bin.

The Recycle Bin with the Org Recycle Bin selected
Select the Recycle Bin that you want to access (1).
The Recycle Bin with the List Views menu

Select the items you want to restore or permanently delete, and click Restore (2) or Delete (3).
To permanently delete all items in the org recycle bin, click Empty Org Recycle Bin (4).
A window displays confirming that you want to empty the Recycle Bin.

How to enable extended recycle bin retention?
This feature was introduced in Winter '23 Release where admins can request for extending the retention period of Recycle Bin from 15 days to 30 days.

To have Support activate the 'Extended Recycle Bin Retention' feature, please take the following steps:

Salesforce Support Team will review the Case and action the request as needed.

Once the feature is enabled, it will automatically extend the Recycle Bin retention period to 30 days. Retention extension of 30 days is only available in Salesforce Classic (Home page | Recycle bin). If you are using Lightning, you may have to switch to Classic to find deleted records of more than 15 days.

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Posted By : Sudeer Kamat Date :

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