50 Most Commonly Used Apex Methods In Salesforce
Here are 50 more Apex methods in Salesforce:
1. clear(): Clears all elements from a collection.
2. containsKey(): Determines whether a map contains a certain key.
3. equalsIgnoreCase(): Compares two strings for equality, ignoring case.
4. floatValue(): Returns a float value for a given number.
5. getClass(): Returns the runtime class of an object.
6. getInitialValue(): Returns the default value for a given sObject field.
7. getInstance(): Returns a new instance of an sObject for the specified record type.
8. getValues(): Returns values of a map as a list.
9. isEmptyOrNull(): Determines whether a string is null or empty.
10. merge(): Merges a list of fields into a single string.
11. putAll(): Adds all key-value pairs from one map to another map.
12. removeByKey(): Removes a key-value pair from a map by specifying the key.
13. round(): Rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places.
14. startsWithIgnoreCase(): Determines whether a string starts with a certain substring, ignoring case.
15. substringAfter(): Retrieves a substring that occurs after a certain character or substring.
16. system.debug(): Outputs debug information to the debug log.
17. system.runAs(): Runs a block of code with the permissions of a specified user.
18. system.assert(): Asserts that a given condition is true, and throws an exception if it is not.
19. Assert.areNotEquals(): Asserts that two values are not equal, and throws an exception if they are.
20. Assert.areEquals(): Asserts that two values are equal, and throws an exception if they are not.
21. Assert.isTrue(): Asserts that the specified condition is true.
22. Assert.isFalse(): Asserts that the specified condition is false.
23. system.today(): Returns today's date in the user's time zone.
24. system.now(): Returns the current date and time in the user's time zone.
25. test.startTest(): Starts a new testing context.
26. test.stopTest(): Ends the current testing context.
27. test.loadData(): Loads test data from static resources.
28. test.setMock(): Configures a mock service for testing.
29. test.isRunningTest(): Determines whether the current code is running in a test context.
30. JSON.deserializeUntyped(): Deserializes a JSON string into an object without type checking.
31. JSON.deserializeStrict(): Deserializes a JSON string into an Apex object with strict type checking.
32. JSON.deserializeWithDate(): Deserializes a JSON string into an Apex object with date handling.
33. JSON.serializePrecisely(): Serializes an Apex object with precision.
34. Math.PI: Returns the value of pi.
35. Math.pow(): Returns the result of raising a number to a certain power.
36. Math.floor(): Rounds a number down to the nearest integer.
37. Math.random(): Returns a random number between 0 and 1.
38. string.join(): Joins an array of strings, adding a separator between each item.
39. string.padding(): Pads a string with another string, adding extra characters where necessary.
40. string.split(): Splits a string into an array of substrings.
41. string.valueOf(): Converts an object to a string.
42. Database.delete(): Removes one or more sObjects from the database.
43. Database.undelete(): Restores one or more sObjects that have been deleted from the database.
44. Database.update(): Updates one or more sObjects in the database.
45. Database.query(): Executes a SOQL query and returns a list of sObjects.
46. Database.insert(): Inserts one or more sObjects into the database.
47. Database.saveResult(): Returns the results of a Database.insert or Database.update operation.
48. Date.valueOf(): Converts a string to a date.
49. Date.newInstance(): Creates a new date from year, month, and day values.
50. Date.today(): Returns today's date in the GMT time zone.
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