LWC Lifecycle Hooks
Lifecycle Hooks are functions that get called automatically at a specific time when you create or use a certain component in Lightning Web Component.
These functions are designed to help you manage and manipulate the behavior of a component and its elements.
Each of these hooks is triggered at a specific phase of a component's lifecycle, such as when it's about to be created, updated, or destroyed.
So, you can use these hooks to execute custom code, update component data or even manipulate the DOM as needed, according to the situation.
These hooks can really help you improve the performance, stability, and scalability of your applications by allowing you to control and manage various aspects of your components at runtime.
Here is list of all methods:
- constructor method:
This method helps LWCs get ready before they start working.
- connectedCallback method:
This method is called when the LWC is ready to be used and is displayed on the web page.
- disconnectedCallback method:
This method is called when the LWC is no longer being used and is removed from the web page.
- render method:
This method is called after the execution of connectedCallback method.
This method helps LWC to change how our component looks on the web page.
- renderedCallback method:
This method helps the LWC know when it needs to be updated and show new information on the web page.
- errorCallback method:
This method helps the LWC know when there's a problem and how to deal with it.
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